Fixed groupage line Poland - Germany - Switzerland - Austria - Poland Professional cargo transportation Poland - Germany - Switzerland - Austria - Poland
Fixed groupage line Poland - Germany - Switzerland - Austria - Poland Professional cargo transportation Poland - Germany - Switzerland - Austria - Poland
Professionally supporting our Customers since 1984
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 certificate

Customs Services in Poland and abroad

We offer assistance in completing customs formalities in Poland (befriended Customs Agencies) in virtually all major cities in Poland. In addition, we cooperate with foreign customs agencies in Hamburg, Frankfurt and at the Swiss border in Basel, Konstanz, Thayngen, Sankt Margarethen, Chiasso and others. Thanks to constantly maintained transportation routes to the above mentioned sites we can offer attractive rates for customs services.



tel.: (00 48) 12 680 14 54    //    tel./fax.:(00 48) 12 680 14 53
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